Mexican singer-songwriter Sofía Reyes drops “Luna,” the first single off her forthcoming album. The “1, 2, 3” artist is all set up and ready for her new musical adventure that is expected to release in 2023. Surprising fans with a different sound, the track talks about a very beautiful and divine love that can move mountains and help listeners reconnect with themselves.
“When I see you the heavenly gates open and I can touch the sky/Why don’t we go to the moon?” asks Reyes, singing “se abre la puerta/ Y toco el cielo, no me lo creo, no me lo creo/ Cuando te veo, babeo, toca/ Mis lunares, caen las gotas sobre el suelo/ ¿Por qué no nos vamos a la Luna, Luna?/ Solo es en la Luna ¿Por qué no lo hacemos en la Luna, uh-ah?”
The singer is excited and at the same time nervous, because she’s experimenting with various new sounds that can change the course of her career: “It exceeded my expectations. I started writing the album in Hawaii. I felt very inspired and influenced by the moon and the earth. Everywhere I have traveled I have bought different instruments and I feel that this single represents the sum of those moments.”

Known for her Latin urban sounds, Reyes points out that this work will have less of that flavor: “I wanted to dare to try other sounds and other ideas. Originally, I wanted to go in this direction with the second part of Mal De Amores, but in the end it turned out to be something else. At first the change scared me a bit because I wanted to do more cumbias, but the development of the album took me to other places. All the work was done as a team. It has Latin sounds, but we have been testing instruments and sound experiments, which was the goal of this musical journey.”
Introducing the new album with “Luna,” Sofía Reyes says that the record will have a little bit of everything in it, including urban. She admits that she hasn’t completely closed that chapter, because she is a huge fan of the genre, and adds, “I’ve also been inspired a lot by documentaries by Chavela Vargas. It’s a very nice and very complete album and I think that it is the most honest and closest to who I am.”
Watch the official music video for “Luna” here: