The John Wick franchise has expanded yet again, this time with a TV spin-off called The Continental, set to debut in September 2023. Although the original movie was not intended to be a franchise, its enormous success led to three sequels and now a television series.
Starring Keanu Reeves, the most recent instalment, John Wick: Chapter Four, has already earned $137 million worldwide since its release in March of 2023. The forthcoming television series will consist of three parts, with a focus on the eponymous hotel that Wick frequents in the movies.
The young Winston Scott, played by Colin Woodell, will establish the hotel as a haven for assassins in 1975. The show’s producer, Erica Lee, recently spoke to Collider about the upcoming series, stating that the showrunners explored various timelines, ultimately deciding that a prequel was the best option.
Lee explained that the show would provide viewers with a deeper understanding of the world of John Wick, including the hotels and the characters within them. “We give so little about each character and about the hotel in each movie that I think people were really excited to learn more and dig deeper into The Continental like, what does the cleaner there look like? What is the staff like? How do you get into The Continental? How are the gold coins made?” Lee said.
Each episode of The Continental will be 90 minutes long and will air on Peacock in September, promising to offer viewers a more profound and immersive look into the world of John Wick. Fans of the franchise can expect to learn more about the intricate workings of the hotel and the characters who work and visit there, as well as getting a better understanding of how the world of assassins operates.