
Get to know more about us

Peaches ‘n’ POP, founded in 2017 by Mark Fieldsman, is a leading media in music culture entertainment. Our mission quickly caught on and has emerged as a noted and respected online music tastemaker with a devoted worldwide audience of over 2 million visitors following our digital content each month.

Thanks to our inventive team of content professionals, Peaches ‘n’ POP has been able to convince and engage a full generation by delivering creative reviews. Our platform brings together and entertains music enthusiasts from all over the world, always stressing respect for ideals such as progress and diversity.

Thereā€™s a lot of music out there ā€“ good music. Our mission at Peaches ‘n’ POP, is to cover music that deserves to be heard, with a special emphasis on independent musicians. That doesn’t imply we won’t cover your old favorites; rather, we want to introduce you to some new ones.